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Saturday, July 16, 2011

J'aime La Nature I Love Nature in French Mugs

This is my newest French language gift. I wanted to make a product with an environmental theme.

The message in French is easy enough to understand: 'I love nature' or, as it is written in French, 'J'aime La Nature'. Once again I used the French flag colors for the text. I also selected a super friendly and positive font to convey this super friendly and positive message about loving our Mother Earth.

I wanted to make a really colorful design.

I created an abstract background to represent beautiful blue skies and rich, natural green grass. I love the mix of these two colors. Then I added the bright yellow and warm orange sun, with a smiley face. I placed this right in the middle of the skyline, so that it's shining light and life down upon the whole design.

I think this French language gift would be perfect for a French Speaking Nature Lover.

It would also appeal to anyone who loves nature, who is eco-friendly. An ideal gift for someone who believes in green living, for people who want to share their passion for nature with the world.

This French language product would also work perfectly for Francophones & Learners of French.

It's fantastic to be surrounded by language when you are learning or love a language. This 'J'aime La Nature' design would be great for students of French, linguists and linguaphiles.

This 'J'aime La Nature' French language design is available on 83 different products!

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